Corruptie op onderwerp
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Informatie is macht. Wanneer informatie niet vrijelijk beschikbaar is, kan corruptie gedijen. Wetten moeten publieke toegang tot informatie garanderen. Overheden moeten informatie proactief openbaar maken, en wij moeten dat afdwingen. Op die manier is het moeilijk om corruptie te verbergen.
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Defensie & Veiligheid

Enorme uitgaven, gecombineerd met een reputatie van geheimhouding. De defensie sector behelst een uniek corruptie risico. Maar grotere openheid kan deze risico’s verkleinen. En daarbij zal de nationale veiligheid niet in het geding komen.
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Water is our most vital resource. But corruption makes it undrinkable, inaccessible and unaffordable. We must demand stronger regulations. And we need information, to check that policies are right and money goes where it should, so no one will go thirsty.
Deforestation affects us all, threatening millions of livelihoods and causing massive greenhouse gas emissions. Corruption in the forestry sector only speeds this destruction. But it can be curbed, so that forests are preserved and forest products are sustainably harvested.
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Corruption in health means the difference between life and death. Poor people are worst affected. But if we’re watching, funds can’t disappear. With information on budgets and plans, we can ensure that health facilities give us the best possible care.
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Olie & Gas

Many countries rich in oil and gas are home to some of the world’s poorest people. Wealth stays corruptly in the hands of the elite. We must demand openness in revenues, payments and activities. Then insiders can’t hide their actions or their profits.
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We all want the best possible education for our children. But corruption causes poor teaching and unequal access to schooling. Tighter regulations are essential. And we must track funds and resources, to make sure they end up in the classroom.
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Politiek & Overheid

Political corruption doesn’t just mean election rigging. Politicians can let private rather than public interests dictate policy. How can we stop this? By speaking out. By demanding accountability from leaders, we can build honesty in politics.
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Private Sector

Bribery in business remains widespread, distorting markets and hurting the public interest. But we can tackle it. We must press companies to adopt a zero-tolerance approach. Better external regulation is needed and markets must be more transparent.
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Sport is a multi-billion dollar business. And it has ties to political and private interests. This means fertile ground for corruption. But greater openness can prevent it. If we can monitor money and decisions in sport, we can ensure fair play wins through.
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